Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Tagliatelle with mushrooms and sausage

Tagliatelle with mushrooms and sausage

Duration: 20 min                  

Difficulty: easy     

Region: Abruzzo

Tagliatelle with mushrooms and sausage are a recipe typical of the widespread mountain areas throughout the Apennines of central Italy. A very simple recipe that reflects the tastes of the mountain and autumn. Fungi are usually the porcini mushrooms that are added fresh in autumn, or dry for the rest of the year.

Where to eat it: Hosteria Zedi – Atri (Teramo)


For 4 people:

Fresh Tagliatelle 400g
Porcini 2
Fresh Sausage 2
Garlic 1 clove
Grated cheese  (optional)       q.s.
Extra virgin olive oil q.s.
Salt q.s.


Clean the mushrooms, removing the soil, any damage parts and the root. Wash them very well under cold water. If you are using dried mushrooms, take a cup of warm water and put them to soak for about 1 hour.
In a pan add a little oil and a clove of garlic slice in half. Fry for a bit  and then add the fresh mushrooms cut into small pieces and completely crumbled sausage. Continue cooking and add a little of salt.
Meanwhile, boil a pot of salted water and then put to cook the tagliatelle.Scolate noodles while still retaining a bit al dente 'of the cooking liquid. Revived the fire pan with mushrooms and sausage and pour the drained noodles. Add some 'of the cooking liquid and blow up the noodles so that all the flavors will blend in very well.
Tagliatelle with mushrooms and sausage are served piping hot. You can guarnira with chopped parsley if you like, or with a sprinkling of grated cheese.

This post is the translation of the original recipe Tagliatelle con funghi e salsiccia from the Il Gran Consiglio della Forchetta.

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