Monday, October 17, 2016

Scattiate Anchovies

Alici Scattiate

"Scattiate" Anchovies 

Tempo 100x100Duration: 15 min               

   mattarelloDifficolty: easy       

  calabria Region: Calabria

The scattiate anchovies are traditional Calabrian recipe. simple and very tasty recipe, like many other Calabrian recipes, reflects the genuine flavors of the ingredients without any major processing. The term literally means scattiate sketched, and the name probably derives from oil splashes caused during cooking when you add the vinegar spray. Mediterranean dish with a strong taste of the sea, direct, without much elaboration, the scattiate anchovies are a recipe made for those who like strong flavors of the fish married to the spiciness of the chili.

locale Where to eat it: Amici Di Bacco – Rossano (Cosenza)

For 4 people:

Anchovies 600g
Garlic 1 clove
Origano q.s.
Hot pepper q.s.
Vinegar q.s.
Extra virgin olive oil q.s.
Salt q.s.


Take the anchovies, remove the heads and entrails and then wash thoroughly. After washing mettele to dry.
In a very large pan, add a little extra virgin olive oil, and a crushed garlic clove. Sauté the garlic and then add the anchovies with hot oil, arranging them in a single layer so they do not overlap each other. Continue to brown them over high heat for about 3-4 minutes, then turn all the anchovies on the other side to make them even browning on that side. Careful not to break the anchovies during this operation.
Add salt and let even brown the other side for another 3 minutes and then spruzzateci over a little 'of vinegar to dampen oil. Add the oregano and chili powder it in plenty of ways. Let dry vinegar and then served the hot well scattiate anchovies.

This article is a translation of the original italian recipe Alici Scattiate from Il Gran Consiglio della Forchetta.

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